Monday, July 18, 2016

Our battle

I was out mowing my grass this evening and I was thinking of some of the things I recently posted to the blog. You've probably experienced this before too but for me, it was like a light being turned on and all of a sudden I came to a clearer understanding about something.

Let me start off by asking you a question. With all this evil stuff going on in the world today, do you view or look at those individuals who do these evil acts as being evil people? I think that I have done this but I believe we are looking at this all wrong. It is not the person himself who is evil, it is the evil working within him that takes control to get them to do these evil acts. 

In my previous blog post, "The Book of the Wars of The Lord", I was looking for a specific scripture verse that at the time I could not find. Then I got a comment from Derek Shaver, the author of the book called "The Book of the Wars of The Lord", telling me were that scripture I was looking for was found. This in itself is so bizarre because in the 5+ years I've been writing to this blog, Derek is the only person who has ever written a comment. Anyway, let me go on.

That verse I was trying to find was:

Ephesians 6:12Common English Bible (CEB)

12 We aren’t fighting against human enemies but against rulers, authorities, forces of cosmic darkness, and spiritual powers of evil in the heavens.

I saw this, I read this, but it did not really sink in until this evening. This evil that we should be fighting against is the same evil that can be at work in any one of us. If we don't know Yeshua Jesus, if we don't have Jesus within us, if we haven't asked to receive the Living Water (The Holy Spirit), then we have no way to fight against the evil one, Satan, and those who he rules over.
This is the reason why we should be praying for all people, even our enemies, and witnessing when the opportunity arises, so that we all can see the light, receive Jesus, and ask for Living Water; receiving the tools we need to fight against the evil forces. I believe this too is the reason why the Lord wishes for us to forgive others,(added 7/25/16 -->) like what He did as He hung on the cross.

Luke 23:34Common English Bible (CEB)

34 Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they’re doing.” 

7/26/16 - I just thought about something else that would coincide with this. Jesus was constantly casting out demons even for things you would think you would go to a doctor for.

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