Thursday, May 19, 2016

Mechanics of killing and genocide

I've been reading the book “THE BRAIN THE STORY OF YOU” by David Eagleman. Eagleman talks about killing and genocide. He tells about a number of studies and experiments showing how the human brain works.

In one experiment, the researchers asked each person of a group of people what they would do in two different scenarios. In the first scenario, they were told to imagine themselves standing next to a railroad track. There's a switch right there that would make the train go in either of two directions. There are 4 workers on the track that the switch is now switched to. On the other track there is 1 worker. A runaway railroad car is coming down the track in your direction. You have to decide what you will do. Will you leave the switch alone and let the railroad car kill the 4 workers or will you switch the track and the car kill the 1 worker. Almost every person said they would switch the track. They felt it was better for 1 to die rather than 4.

In the second scenario, they were to imagine themselves on a water tower next to a railroad track. Again, there are 4 workers on the track but no switch this time. Standing next to you on the water tower is a very large person. There's that runaway railroad car coming down the track and you see that it will kill the 4 workers unless you do something. You can see that if that very large person standing next to you was somehow to fall onto the track it would stop the car. He would die but the 4 workers would be saved. Would you push the one large person off the tower killing him to save the 4 workers? Almost everyone said that they would not push that person off the tower.

When you examine both scenarios, your actions would do the same thing; kill 1 person to save 4. What made them choose differently between the two scenarios?

The researchers found that in the first scenario, the same regions of the brain that it uses to work out a math problem were activated. It was solving a logic problem; pull lever, kill one, save 4. In the second scenario, other regions of the brain were also activated that involve our emotions; pushing an innocent person to his death was wrong. It was no longer just a logic problem for the brain. ((I want to mention something about those regions of the brain that involve our emotions. I believe they are the same regions that are directly connected to the heart. (see post The Heart – It's Not Just A Pump ))

Think about how our brain can change killing someone into a logic problem, just because there is something between us and the one we cause to die. Now think about those who make the decision to go to war but are not involved in the killing. Also think about how killing has been transformed into someone just pushing a button. Killing becomes a logic problem, our emotions don't kick in.

At the end of this section of his book, Eagleman wrote this: “One pundit suggested that the button to launch nuclear missiles should be implanted in the chest of the President's best friend.”

I want to jump to another section of Eagleman's book about genocide. On pg. 152 he writes this: “What allows such an alarming shift in human interaction? How can it be compatible with a eusocial species? Why does genocide continue to happen all around our planet? Traditionally we examine warfare and killing in the context of history and economics and politics. However, for a complete picture, I believe we need also to understand this as a neural phenomenon. It would normally feel unconscionable to murder your neighbor. So what suddenly allows hundreds or thousands of people to do exactly that? What is it about certain situations that short-circuits the normal social functioning of the brain?”

Eagleman goes on to explain how each of us have people in our “ingroup” an others in our “outgroup”. He lists a number of experiments that have demonstrated that we tend to place more value on those in our “ingroup”; we can empathize with them. But, those in our “outgroup” become mere objects to us. Through the form of neural manipulation, propaganda, the dehumanization of those in our outgroup comes about and wars are started.

Why am I bringing up killing and genocide? For one thing, I think it helps to understand how our brain functions. But mainly it's because God can change our minds so that these awful things won't happen if we but recognize we need help.

Just think about some things I've already talked about. (This is what I believe) Hell {at jugement} is not a place but is a form of shame instead. All people will be in God's new kingdom. There is no more death (you can't kill yourself to try and end the shame).

For those who have taken part in killing, how will they feel when or if they meet up with those they killed? When Jesus was with us, He said some things about how it will be more tolerable for some than others in the judgment.

Luke 10:10-16 Common English Bible (CEB)

10 Whenever you enter a city and the people don’t welcome you, go out into the streets and say, 11 ‘As a complaint against you, we brush off the dust of your city that has collected on our feet. But know this: God’s kingdom has come to you.’ 12 I assure you that Sodom will be better off on Judgment Day than that city.

Judgment against cities that reject Jesus

13 “How terrible it will be for you, Chorazin. How terrible it will be for you, Bethsaida. If the miracles done among you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have changed their hearts and lives long ago. They would have sat around in funeral clothes and ashes. 14 But Tyre and Sidon will be better off at the judgment than you. 15 And you, Capernaum, will you be honored by being raised up to heaven? No, you will be cast down to the place of the dead. 16 Whoever listens to you listens to me. Whoever rejects you rejects me. Whoever rejects me rejects the one who sent me.”

Hebrews 10:19-24 Common English Bible (CEB)

Second summary of the message

19 Brothers and sisters, we have confidence that we can enter the holy of holies by means of Jesus’ blood, 20 through a new and living way that he opened up for us through the curtain, which is his body, 21 and we have a great high priest over God’s house.
22 Therefore, let’s draw near with a genuine heart with the certainty that our faith gives us, since our hearts are sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies are washed with pure water.
23 Let’s hold on to the confession of our hope without wavering, because the one who made the promises is reliable.
24 And let us consider each other carefully for the purpose of sparking love and good deeds.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


I have it on my heart to talk about war. I guess it's because of that war to end all wars, also know as the battle of Armageddon talked about in the Bible. We all know what war is but if you are like me, I doubt that you've ever really thought much about it. I want to start of by giving the definition of war.

From Wikiquote:


Weapons are like money; no oneknows the meaning of enough. ~ Martin Amis
War is a conflict involving the organized use of weapons and physical force by states or other large-scale groups. Warring parties usually hold territory, which they can win or lose; and each has a leading person or organization which can surrender, or collapse, thus ending the war. Wars are usually a series of campaigns between two opposing sides involving a dispute over sovereignty, territory, resources, religion, or ideology. A war to liberate an occupied country is called a "war of liberation"; a war between internal factions within a state is a civil war. Until the end of World War II, participants usually issued formal declarations of war.

How does a war get started? I was going to give you what others have said about this but I've decided to just say it the way I see it.

A war gets started by the spread of propaganda.
Propaganda is a form of biased communication, aimed at promoting or demoting certain views, perceptions or agendas. Propaganda is often associated with the psychological mechanisms of influencing and altering the attitude of a population toward a specific cause, position or political agenda in an effort to form a consensus to a standard set of belief patterns.[1]
Propaganda is information that is not impartial and is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda, often by presenting facts selectively (perhaps lying by omission) to encourage a particular synthesis, or using loaded messages to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information presented.[1]

The ones who make the deceleration of war are rarely if ever involved in the killing.  I believe that the ones who die in war most often are the ones who wanted no part in that war. It seems to me that so many of those who are doing the fighting are there because they had no other choice. There are some who believe that killing is justified but I wonder what percentage of these there are and if they knew the truth about things would they still see the justification of killing?

I grew up in the United States during the Vietnam conflict. We had the draft at the time. When your number came up you were inducted into a branch of the service, most often infantry slated to go to Vietnam. If you were physically able you had to go or be labeled a "draft dodger". Some were able to escape going because they knew someone of power or influence. This was one of those wars in which for most of us it was a position of "damned if you do and damned if you don't" go. I was one who decided to enlist thinking it might save me from going to Nam but that was not the case. I thank God that while there I was never put in a position where I had to kill or be killed. I always remember returning home after my tour of duty was up. We were told not to wear our uniforms. By this time the anti war cries were growing in popularity and we returning soldiers were often shamed.

I've been going to a Friends (Quaker) church for a while now. Quakers do not believe in wars. This was not the reason for me going to that church. I didn't really know much about them and kind of found out this sometime later. Anyway, I recently met a couple from Costa Rica who told me their experience during the Vietnam war years. The family was living in the United States at the time. The man's father got his draft notice but decided not to go and claimed "conscientious objector" status. This was part of their belief system; they were Quakers. He told me of some pretty awful things that the "powers to be" did to them. They were farmers and were required to give up over half their produce for "the war efforts". Some Quakers who were not farmers were slated for experiments, chemical in nature. It was so bad for these Quakers that many decided to leave the United States and settled into Costa Rica. There is a large population of Quakers there today.

No matter what country you live in, if you look at your history, you too will probably find similar things that have happened. Why do we get so caught up into believing things that lead to war?

If we can not change, I can see that it is very likely this war of the future could happen. Some believe that this is when an all out nuclear war will happen and  will destroy earth and everything.

I'm praying that we see our true selves before that time, repent, and ask Jesus to be Lord. I see no other way.

Jesus said something that I wonder could be a prediction of that happening, all will repent. He was saying that this generation is wicked and evil. They wanted to see a sign but the only sign that would be given them is "the sign of Jonah" (see post "The Sign of Jonah". Jonah was sent to Nineveh, a very wicked city, and he was to tell them what the Lord wanted to say to them  All he said to them was "yet in 40 days and Nineveh will be destroyed". It says that everyone believed God and they all repented. 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The Great Day of The Lord

I've been studying about this day in the future known as "the great day of the Lord". This is what I've discovered: All peoples, everyone, will know Who it is coming  (the Lord Jesus Christ). Everyone will mourn. All tears will be wiped away.

Matthew 24:30King James Version (KJV)

30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

Revelation 1:7Common English Bible (CEB)

Look, he is coming with the clouds! Every eye will see him, including those who pierced him, and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him. This is so. Amen.
Why is everyone morning? I believe it is because it is at this moment that everyone sees or comes to know that person Jesus died for; the true self.

Isaiah 45:21-25Common English Bible (CEB)

21 Announce! Approach! Confer together!
    Who proclaimed this from the beginning, announced it from long ago?
Wasn’t it I, the Lord?
    There’s no other God except me,
    a righteous God and a savior;
    there’s none besides me!
22 Turn to me and be saved,
    all you ends of the earth,
    for I am God, and there’s no other.
23 I have sworn a solemn pledge;
    a word has left my mouth;
    it is reliable and won’t fail.
Surely every knee will bow
and every tongue will confess;
24     they will say, “Righteousness and strength come only from theLord.
    All who are angry with him will come to shame.
25 All the Israelites
    will be victorious and rejoice.”

Isaiah 44:22-26Common English Bible (CEB)

22 I swept away your rebellions like a cloud,
    and your sins like fog.
Return to me,
    because I have redeemed you.
23 Sing, heavens, for the Lord has acted;
    shout, depths of the earth!
Burst out with a ringing cry,
you mountains, forest, and every tree in it.
The Lord has redeemed Jacob,
    and will glorify himself through Israel.
24 The Lord your redeemer
    who formed you in the womb says:
I am the Lord, the maker of all,
    who alone stretched out the heavens,
    who spread out the earth by myself,
25     who frustrates the omens of diviners
        and makes a mockery of magicians,
    who turns back the wise
        and turns their knowledge into folly.
26     But who confirms the word of my[a] servant,
        and fulfills the predictions of my messengers;
    who says about Jerusalem, “It will be resettled”;
        and who says about the cities of Judah, “They will be rebuilt,
        and I will restore their ruins”;

Isaiah 25:8Common English Bible (CEB)

He will swallow up death[a] forever.
The Lord God will wipe tears from every face;
    he will remove his people’s disgrace from off the whole earth,
        for the Lord has spoken.

Revelation 21:4Common English Bible (CEB)

He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more. There will be no mourning, crying, or pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.”