Sunday, August 9, 2015

All this is for me too.

I was awakened in a dream and felt the need to post this right away. I don't remember the specifics of the dream but the jest or meaning of it was quite clear. All that I have written in this blog includes me too; it is directed towards me as well. I have a tendency of writing as though these words are only for the reader, like I'm lord it over the reader. If it has been taken that way, I apologize. 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Time to change.

I’m having such a hard time with this post. I have argued within myself as to whether I should write this or not; for very good reasons which I will explain later. I feel a confirmation that Father God does want me to write this as I was led back to one of my first posts; the only one in the “Stories to Encourage” section. At the end I quoted from Psalm 8 verses 3-9. This very thing is what concerns me so; and is what I want to talk about here.

Psalm 8:3-9New International Version (NIV)

When I consider your heavens,
    the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
    which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
    human beings that you care for them?[a]
You have made them[b] a little lower than the angels[c]
    and crowned them[d] with glory and honor.
You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
    you put everything under their[e] feet:
all flocks and herds,
    and the animals of the wild,
the birds in the sky,
    and the fish in the sea,
    all that swim the paths of the seas.
Lord, our Lord,
    how majestic is your name in all the earth!

God made us to rule over the things He has created on this earth but we have done such a lousy job of it. We have abused it badly.

Our garbage has washed and is still washing out into the oceans and now we have huge garbage piles within them; they say they are several times the size of Texas. Can you imagine something of that nature bigger than Texas? This garbage is not only killing marine life but other mammals too. It is stealthily killing us humans as well.

We now have flesh eating organisms. We have a place along the San Bernard River and a neighbor told me about his experience with the flesh eating things. He didn’t even get into the water to get this. He had some of the river water in his boat, was bare footed, and had a small cut on his foot. He ended up in the hospital many days and almost lost his foot.  

It’s not only our oceans (think about this; those very large bodies of water; not a light thing here) that are getting polluted but it’s our rivers and streams too. I’m not talking only about the ones running along the surface but our underground ones too are becoming polluted or depleted (another one of our abuses).

Look at California. There are many contributing factors to what’s going on there. The rainfall has been less than usual. The farm lands and population have increased. The farmers need water to grow their crops; if there is not enough rain then they have to get it elsewhere. They start by getting it from the rivers and lakes and when those play out they drill water wells. But, the aquifers they drill down into are slowly going away. The rivers, lakes, and aquifers are the same places the people are getting their water from. They all need water to exist.

The ice glaciers are receding a bunch and the icebergs are increasing in number; global warming????? Boy is this not a can of worms. There are people who vehemently say that there is no such thing as global warming. I don’t know how many who believe this but they can bring up statistics showing it doesn’t exist; I just had a disagreement with a fellow Facebook friend about this.

I think about all of the oil and gas we are taking out of the earth. What fills up that space or void in the earth. The oil is quite viscous. Does oil stabilize the earth and our taking it out destabilizes it? The gas exists in the earth in areas of great pressure. Does this pressure somehow stabilize the earth too? I think about a balloon. If that balloon supported something and you deflate it, the supported thing comes down. Do you kind of see what I’m saying here?

There are many more things I can think of that show our abuse of this planet but I want to get to what I believe to be the most  important thing about all of this. If we really want to help save ourselves, all of us are going to have to change. This is what the Bible calls repentance. I can’t see this happen until Father God shows us the people we really are, our true selves. This is what will happen at the Great Day of Judgment.

Another thought I have. Why does God want to continue answering our prayers for help when we are unwilling to do anything to help ourselves?

I see Father God revealing more of His mysteries and I think that day of Judgement is near but just as the Bible says, only the Father knows when that day will be. Then Jesus will return, but not until then and then the Father and Yeshua will live with us; can you imagine that?

There are scriptures that say that God will completely destroy this earth and heaven and create new ones. I’ve thought about this and had thought that there was no other way. We have messed this one up so much that God has no choice but create new ones and get rid of the old ones.

There are things I've stumbled across in my studies of the scriptures that have led me to think that we are meant to pull together and work to save this world, but with God’s help this time. To me they are saying that if this doesn't happen, then God will destroy them completely; like giving us a chance to do it the way He intended for all things to work. I'm probably not saying this very well but here's the thing. God has had a mysterious plan in place before He created all things. The apostle Paul touched on this mystery in his letter to the Ephesians chapter 3.

In Genesis of The Bible it says this:

Genesis 1:31 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

31 God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.
He not only said it was good but that it was very good; even knowing all about what would happen to it. I think that He was included His mysterious plan when He said this.

When Yeshua (Jesus) came into this world, He said He came to save the world.

John 3:17 New American Standard Bible (NASB)

17 For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him.

I think this means every thing and everyone.

This leads me to the next thing I want to talk about and is the reason for the great conflict within myself as to weather or not I should talk about this.

Satan, I’ve been reading some about you. You are of the angelic order and you were created having great power, which I have seen myself; also the reason for my prayer of protection, my very first post to this blog. 

Do you know why Father gave you all that power? When you started out, were you using that power for some good reason? 

I read that you and the other fallen angels were cast down to “Tartarus.” Since you are here, I guess that “Tartarus” is earth. I asked you in a previous post if you caused this that is going on with my back. I wasn’t only curious if you are the cause of my pain but I’ve wondered if you caused or created all these cancers and other diseases that we humans have.

I am beginning to think that all diseases and sicknesses we humans have are from all of our abuses of this planet; we are the cause and not something you have done, although, when I think about it, you probably helped contribute to it.

So you and the other angles are a part of this earth too. Did Yeshua come to save you too? All we know is that you will be cast into a lake of fire. What is this lake of fire? I think that it will be the same shame we will feel when we all see ourselves the way Father God sees us.

Here comes a good one for you. Have you thought about using your great powers to heal us humans? If we all are to work together to make this earth as Father God wishes for it to be, I see you playing an important part. Even if we all started right now to do things the way Father intended for us to, it will be some time before our diseases go away. What we have available to us right now just doesn’t work well but you could do some amazing things, that is if you would just use your powers to that end.

I was also thinking about those spirits we call evil. They go into human bodies. We read in the Bible that Jesus cast out evil spirits. I have always thought that the casting out of them is what healed that person but now I wonder, “Was that person diseased in some way to allow that spirit in in the first place?” Did the casting out just coincide with the healing of whatever the disease was? I think we all have just assumed they were the same.

Here is where I am going; with these spirits: Since they can go into human bodies, can they also take a look around inside that body and see what is going on inside that is causing the problem, much like our x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, etc.?

If these thoughts somehow take away glory from Father and or His Son, then I am sorry I thought of this; hence the reason for my concern. I believe Father God is powerful enough not to let that happen.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Funny dream

I had a very funny dream last night or this morning. It was one of those half asleep and half awake kinds. I was talking with Father God; something I’ve been doing a lot lately because of what’s going on with my back.

I’ve mentioned in a previous post that I have arthritis all down my spine; I have spinal stenosis which is a closing up of the spinal canal and is pinching my spinal cord, around my L4, L5 regions; from looking at the MRI, it looks like one of those vertebrae has deteriorated; and I suffer sciatica pain.

I keep telling Father that I will trust Him in whatever happens with my back; but I keep picturing going through surgery and a painful recovery process. I think I take after my mother as she seemed to always think the worst. I do believe that Jesus could heal me magically, just like He did when He was here on earth with us, but that is not happening. I think about the Apostle Paul suffering from something that God did not take away from him, so maybe God does not want to take this away from me either. Like I said, I keep thinking the worst.

Back to my dream: I think I was telling Father that I WILL trust Him in this; kind of like trying to talk myself into believing it. I think that Father was telling me that something better than I think will happen. To prove it He said something like this: “Here in Texas we shake on it.” At that moment I felt something in my left hand that felt like a hand, a very small one, but still, a hand. It kind of startled me and I became more awake. I started feeling with my right hand this hand that was in my left. For a second, I thought it was my wife’s hand. I came to realize that it was actually the front two paws of one of our daughter’s little dogs who have been sleeping with us. It was so funny to me and strange at the same time. Why, at that moment of my dream did that dog decide to put her paws in my hand?

[I thought I would shed some light on the hand shake thing of my dream: There was a period of time here in Texas were verbal deals, like contracts, were made between two people and was sealed by a hand shake. There wasn’t a written contract where the two parties signed their names on paper; the hand shake was as good as a signature. Each party took the word of the other simply on faith that the other would do what they said.
I’ve been reading James Michener’s book “Texas” and I had just read about this.]

In a previous post, I shared another dream I had of God’s new kingdom. In this dream, it was like going to a gala. Everywhere I looked, there were groups of people engaged in cheery conversation. There was laughter everywhere. What was odd was that Satan was even there laughing and telling funny stories of his own. I don’t know how I knew it was Satan but somehow I just knew. I’ve never seen him before except maybe in dreams. He didn’t look like that being we so often think of with the horns.

I’ve been getting glimpses into something most wonderful and I do hope that it is true; from God. I see Father God who likes to have fun with His children, even playing little funny pranks to get someone to laugh. He has done the pranks with me before and it has been so unexpected at the time. They’ve sure made me laugh and I feel Him laughing with me.

Most often we come to Him with our problems and seldom praise Him and honor Him for the God He is. I’m talking to myself too here.