Thursday, February 17, 2022

The Prophecies

Something that has always bothered me is the prophecy to Christians of today that Trump is chosen by God to be president. Today I started thinking back to the period of time when Hitler rose to power. I wondered if there was a prophecy about Hitler. I was shocked to find out that there was. 

The following is from an article in ‘Christianity Today’ entitled “Dietrich Bonhoeffer

German theologian and resister”

"The time is fulfilled for the German people of Hitler. It is because of Hitler that Christ, God the helper and redeemer, has become effective among us. … Hitler is the way of the Spirit and the will of God for the German people to enter the Church of Christ." So spoke German pastor Hermann Gruner. Another pastor put it more succinctly: "Christ has come to us through Adolph Hitler." -------- Just to be clear, Dietrich Bonhoeffer did not say this. He was quite concerned about the things that were happening in churches. These were things said by other pastors.

Here is something else that really floored me. This is taken out a book about Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The reason why this is so surprising to me is because I had read the book sometime in early 2016 and how this book came to me was quite remarkable as well. 

My daughter is a home school-er. She went to a conference for homeschooling and my wife and I sat with the grandkids. My daughter came home with an arm full of books and placed them down beside me where I was sitting. I am not sure, but I think she said to me that I might be interested in reading some. Anyway, she left the room and I started leafing through them and came to a book about Dietrich Bonhoeffer. I knew absolutely nothing about him, but I started reading. I think what drew me to the book was because he was German, and I come from a German lineage. It was time for my wife and I to leave so I placed the book back on the pile. I was not intending to read the rest but with my daughter’s invitation I decided to take it home to read. The book pretty much mesmerized me, and I had a hard time putting it down. There were so many details in the book about that time period when Hitler and the Nazis took power. After reading the book, I had to find out more, so started researching it.

By the time our 2016 presidential debates rolled around, I had a lot of knowledge about Hitler and that time period. 

While watching the presidential debates, I noticed so many things about Trump; his speech, what he said, how he said it, that reminded me of Hitler. Some things he said sent chills down my spine. A question came up about the use of torture. Trump said he had no problems with the use of torture. Some other things that were concerning to me were his comments about Russia and Putin. And then when information came out about Russia’s meddling in our elections, it greatly concerned me. 

So, now I want to talk about this prophecy that Trump is chosen by God to be president. It concerned me way back when I first heard it from my Christian friends around the middle of 2016. I wondered at the time; how do they know this prophecy is from Father God? My wife recently found the movie ‘The Trump Prophecy’ and added it to our watch list. One day we were deciding what to watch and we chose that movie. 

After watching, it made me question even more where the prophecy came from; is it from Father God or from Satan? In the movie, the prophecy originates with a retired fireman who probably has PTSD. He couldn’t save a young boy from a fire. He has bad dreams where Satan appears to him. I think Satan appears four or five times. At one point an angel of light appears and then he receives the prophecy that God has chosen Trump to be president. This could very well be from Satan. I did not know this until recently, but Satan can disguise himself as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14).

Why am I so obsessed about Trump as president? It is for this reason: I doubt very seriously that Father God wants us to repeat the Holocaust and that time period, but from what I am seeing, that is the path we are taking with Trump. 

I want to add one last thing. As scary as all this seems, you and I can trust Father God's plan. Father God is All Powerful. Nothing and no one, not even Satan, can prevent God's plan from finishing. Everything will be accomplished.

Until the plan has completed and Yeshua Jesus returns, continue in love. Love Father God and His Son, Yeshua Jesus, with all your heart. Thank Father God for his plan to save us. Thank Yeshua Jesus for taking our place, making payment for our sins. Love all people, even your enemy. Pray for them. Pray that all people would come to know Yeshua Jesus and His great sacrifice for them.

Battle against tyranny and oppression.