Tuesday, September 11, 2018

What sets Yahweh (Father God) and Yeshua (Jesus) apart from all else.

When I go through my ‘almost daily’ exercises, I think a lot and I talk with God too. I have to keep up with my exercises because of the issues I am having with my spine. If I don’t exercise, I will regret it sooner or later with debilitating pain. My thoughts sometimes are centered around my medical issues I am going through right now. Thoughts like why are these things happening to me. I think about the book of Job in the Old Testament of the Bible. I think about my dream (Funny Dream) how the Lord and I shook hands with Him saying my spine issues won’t be as bad as I think. I think about Satan, why he is the way he is and why does God leave him be. So many questions.

In my last post ‘Dictators And Wannabes’   I talked about dictators and their characteristics and what happens when they are in power. As I was thinking about Satan, he is just like a dictator. In a way I think of him as a dictator wannabe in heaven. He wants to be like God Most High where he gets the praise and others fall down to worship him.

In the book of Job (Job 1), it shows that Satan is free to move about on Earth and in heaven. He has great power because it was he who caused the bad things to happen to Job, his children, and all that Job had; everything that God had blessed him with. Satan was able to do this only because God the Father allowed him to. Even with all that Job went through, he still blessed God.

Job 1:20-22 Lexham English Bible (LEB)

20 Then[a] Job arose and tore his outer garment[b] and shaved his head; then[c] he fell upon the ground and he worshiped. 21 Then[d] he said, “Naked I came out from my mother’s womb, and naked I will return there. Yahweh gives, and Yahweh takes. Let Yahweh’s name be blessed.” 22 In all this, Job did not sin and did not charge God with wrongdoing.[e] 

I wonder, is it maybe Satan who causes much of the pain and suffering that we humans experience and it’s God Who gets the blame? From the story in Job, it seems possible. But still, God would have to allow it. I don’t think it is always Satan who causes our pain and suffering. A lot has to do with us and our evil hearts. I think about how we humans are. If there was no Satan doing what he does, would we ever turn from our evil ways?

We are born sinners. We have evil thoughts in our hearts right away in our youth (Genesis 8:21). Our inclination is not to seek after God (Romans 3:11), it is God who seeks after and wants to save us  (Luke 19:10). This is what stands God apart from all else, that God can continue loving us when we do nothing to deserve it. He sent His only begotten Son, Yeshua Jesus, to Earth to take all our sins upon Himself, He who knew no sin. Jesus didn’t have to do that. He could have told His Father no. He could have said, “Why should I go through all that pain and suffering for humans who care nothing about You, Dad?” But He was obedient. He came to Earth and took our place so that we could live. Would a dictator ever do such a thing for his people? Dictators only care about themselves.  

Ezekiel 34:16 King James Version (KJV)

16 I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick: but I will destroy the fat and the strong; I will feed them with judgment.

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