Sunday, August 2, 2015

Funny dream

I had a very funny dream last night or this morning. It was one of those half asleep and half awake kinds. I was talking with Father God; something I’ve been doing a lot lately because of what’s going on with my back.

I’ve mentioned in a previous post that I have arthritis all down my spine; I have spinal stenosis which is a closing up of the spinal canal and is pinching my spinal cord, around my L4, L5 regions; from looking at the MRI, it looks like one of those vertebrae has deteriorated; and I suffer sciatica pain.

I keep telling Father that I will trust Him in whatever happens with my back; but I keep picturing going through surgery and a painful recovery process. I think I take after my mother as she seemed to always think the worst. I do believe that Jesus could heal me magically, just like He did when He was here on earth with us, but that is not happening. I think about the Apostle Paul suffering from something that God did not take away from him, so maybe God does not want to take this away from me either. Like I said, I keep thinking the worst.

Back to my dream: I think I was telling Father that I WILL trust Him in this; kind of like trying to talk myself into believing it. I think that Father was telling me that something better than I think will happen. To prove it He said something like this: “Here in Texas we shake on it.” At that moment I felt something in my left hand that felt like a hand, a very small one, but still, a hand. It kind of startled me and I became more awake. I started feeling with my right hand this hand that was in my left. For a second, I thought it was my wife’s hand. I came to realize that it was actually the front two paws of one of our daughter’s little dogs who have been sleeping with us. It was so funny to me and strange at the same time. Why, at that moment of my dream did that dog decide to put her paws in my hand?

[I thought I would shed some light on the hand shake thing of my dream: There was a period of time here in Texas were verbal deals, like contracts, were made between two people and was sealed by a hand shake. There wasn’t a written contract where the two parties signed their names on paper; the hand shake was as good as a signature. Each party took the word of the other simply on faith that the other would do what they said.
I’ve been reading James Michener’s book “Texas” and I had just read about this.]

In a previous post, I shared another dream I had of God’s new kingdom. In this dream, it was like going to a gala. Everywhere I looked, there were groups of people engaged in cheery conversation. There was laughter everywhere. What was odd was that Satan was even there laughing and telling funny stories of his own. I don’t know how I knew it was Satan but somehow I just knew. I’ve never seen him before except maybe in dreams. He didn’t look like that being we so often think of with the horns.

I’ve been getting glimpses into something most wonderful and I do hope that it is true; from God. I see Father God who likes to have fun with His children, even playing little funny pranks to get someone to laugh. He has done the pranks with me before and it has been so unexpected at the time. They’ve sure made me laugh and I feel Him laughing with me.

Most often we come to Him with our problems and seldom praise Him and honor Him for the God He is. I’m talking to myself too here.    

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