Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How much do you value your inheritance?

Our mother passed away recently, Feb. 1st to be exact. She left to my sister, my brother, and I an inheritance of equal portions of all that she had.

Because of some things that happened in the past, my sister made a comment about not feeling deserving of her portion. It made me think a lot this morning about this whole inheritance thing.

I think I understand more clearly now about the story in the Bible about Jacob and Esau. Esau didn't put much value on his birthright, same thing as inheritance. In a way I have not put much value in my inheritance from mom, so I count myself as not being deserving.

You know, it was mom's good pleasure to give the three of us equal portions of all that she had. She could have given it to someone more deserving but she loved us equally to divide what she had equally. I think it matters most how I honor mom and dad (dad passed 44 years ago) by how much I value it or by what I do with it.

This has taught me so much about the inheritance that Father God gives to all of us through His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. None of us are deserving, He gave it because of who He is, our loving Father who cares deeply for all His children, which I believe includes everyone.

I don't think I fully understood, until recently, what exactly that inheritance is that Father gives us . It's life, which is His gift of knowing Him intimately. It all boils down to how much do I value that inheritance He freely gave me?

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