Friday, July 10, 2015


Here it is 3:00 AM in the morning. So often I awake at this time when it has something to do with Father God and His work.

I’ve been thinking a lot about Satan and the other fallen Angels lately. Satan was created with such great powers. God had to have known before-hand that Satan and the others would do what they did and yet He let them go. If God ruled like Satan does, they would have been gone long ago. I really do believe God still loves them and they have been in His master plan to save us all, His whole creation, from the beginning.

Satan, you probably don’t remember me. Back in 1999, I think was the year, I had just started trading in the stock market. I was on the Yahoo stock board, mostly just watching what others said about stocks and to get pointers on how to do things. There was so much scheming and conniving going on there that it was almost useless to a lot of us and a number of us moved over to the Bull board. I bounced back and forth between the two boards a lot because I wondered why there was so much demonic activity going on.

I believe that you were trying to gain control of the stock market. I have a feeling that you succeeded but it was probably not as easy as you thought it would be.

Early one morning, much like today, I woke up feeling the need to check the two boards. I went to the Yahoo board first and again I found one of yours pretending to be someone else and trying to get people to sell a stock. I think this was the only time I ever posted anything but one thing I said was, “I plan to be a thorn in Satan’s side.” At the time I said this, I did not understand the boldness of these words nor did I understand the power of the one it was directed at.

After exposing this person as a fake and warning others not to sell, I went over to the Bull board. It was here where you gave me the fright of my life and made me understand the magnitude of those words that I said. You answered me with this one post, “So you think you are going to be a thorn in my side. Now feel my pain.”

This brings me to the recent thoughts and questions I have about you. After those words you said to me, I waited for some kind of pain to happen but it didn’t, at least not at that time. I wrote it off to you just trying to scare me, which I can truthfully say that you did do that. Over the years since then I have experienced pain and am experiencing it now. I have arthritis all down my spine, spinal stenosis which is pinching my spinal cord and sciatic nerve, and one of my vertebrae is not in the best of shape.

Before I go on, let me explain something about myself. I can’t understand something unless I can picture it in my head. I study the Bible and I ask Father God to paint the picture of my understanding clearer. He does do that but I’ve gotten two totally different pictures with different futures for you and the other fallen angels. If you will tell me something truthfully, I believe I will know which one is correct. The question is this; are the things that are going on with my spine and the pain I’m suffering caused by you? After all, you did say, “Now feel my pain.”       

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