Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A letter to Lucifer

Dear Lucifer,

May I be so bold as to ask you why you persist in your ways? Have you looked at your kingdom lately? Is this what you hoped for when you decided you wanted to be god? Have you thought about the way you rule your kingdom and the way Father God rules? You rule by instilling fear into those you rule over. Father God rules with loving-kindness.

Have you ever done an act of kindness to/for someone and seen their eyes light up because of it? Do those you rule over love you; give you great honor, respect, and praise as we who have seen and experienced Father God’s loving-kindness do?

Surely at some time in your existence you too have experienced Father God’s love. I’m guessing that it has been so long ago that you have forgotten it.

I want to share a dream with you that I had some time ago. In the dream, I was looking at Father God’s new kingdom. Everywhere I looked, there were pods of people standing in circles and engaged in conversation. As I listened, I could hear much laughter going on in all the groups. In the group I was closest to, you were there. As I observed your group it seemed to me that you all where great friends; I could see that in your faces. One would tell a story and all would laugh, sometimes to the point of tears, because what was said was so funny; even you. You even told a story of your own which brought great laughter. It was good seeing you laugh. I’ve wondered if you have ever experienced laughter.

As I was studying, I was directed to Daniel chapter 4. Could this have been written for you?  

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