Friday, November 18, 2016


Have you ever heard the word fractal before?

From the online Merriam-Webster dictionary: 

Definition of fractal

  1. :  any of various extremely irregular curves or shapes for which any suitably chosen part is similar in shape to a given larger or smaller part when magnified or reduced to the same size

If you look at any of God's creations you will see fractals; trees, flowers, clouds, rivers, sea shores, mountains, seashells, snowflakes, hurricanes, etc. Fractals are images of dynamic systems and said to be pictures of chaos.

Image result for fractals in nature Image result for fractals in natureImage result for fractals in nature

The first time I heard this word was when I read the book "The Shack". I just love this book. It has opened my mind to new understandings about Father God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. In the book, the character as the Holy Spirit was "Sarayu". Sarayu has a garden. One day, Mack, the main character, decides to go out to help Sarayu in her garden. On the way there, Mack pictures a garden perfectly manicured and ordered like an English garden. Here is what he sees:

"The Shack" by William P Young

""It was chaos in color. His eyes tried unsuccessfully to find some order in this blatant disregard for certainty. Dazzling sprays of flowers were blasted through patches of randomly planted vegetables and herbs, vegetation the likes of which Mack had never seen. It was confusing, stunning, and incredibly beautiful.
"From above it's a fractal," Sarayu said over her shoulder with an air of pleasure.
"A what?" asked Mack absentmindedly, his mind still trying to grapple with and control the pandemonium of sight and the movements of hues and shades. Every step he took changed whatever patterns he for an instant thought he had seen, and nothing was like it had been.""

I look at America's forefathers wanting a kind of country with a government for all people. A government that works for the good of all, no matter what their race, creed, religion, or color. I see this as a fractal, something that is infinitely beautiful in a chaotic way. But we are tearing this apart. We want to fit everyone into the box we believe to be the perfect box. We want a perfect manicured English garden.

Have you ever had conversations with others not like yourself? There is just something about the experience that is rich and refreshing. Getting a glimpse into the cultures of others is so fascinating, their music, their food, their dance, their poetry, their thoughts, their religion. Why try to control everyone into one type when God does not?


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