Wednesday, August 1, 2012

What is?

What is sin? -- Sin is the destroyer of peace. When I sin against someone, I've done or said something to them or about them that destroys peace between us. Sin against God accomplishes the same thing, destroys that peace between me and God. How we sin against God is a little more complicated. God gave us, through Moses many many years ago, what evangelicals call the laws and what the Jews call the teachings. If I obey every one of them, I will have peace with everyone and with God. The problem is I don't, I sin, and therefore peace is broken.

What is death?  -- Death is separation. Because I sinned against someone, we no longer like each other so we separate, we die. When I sin against God, I run from Him, I try to hide, we separate and I die.

What is the wrath of God?  -- It is God's way of getting me to recognize my sin and take responsibility for it. Yes I did that; I wish I hadn't of done that but I can't take it back now; if only I didn't say those horrible things; why did I steal those things; how could I have let my rage get the better of me and I killed him?  (These are examples; I have not killed anyone.)

What is Repentance? -- Repentance is the restorer of peace.  Oh wretched man I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death?


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