What do you believe? What religion do you belong to? Are you agnostic? Even if you are agnostic, you still have a belief system. Whatever your beliefs, think deeply about this: Could you say that LOVE is at the core of whatever you believe? I think we can all agree that we desire peace instead of wars. This is because there is THAT of God in all of us: LOVE.
Why be so strict and demanding in our religions? Why say, "You have to believe the way I believe, or you are not a good [insert religion here]"? Why prevent people from talking with others who are not of the same faith? I have learned and am still learning so much by talking with people who are not like me. I am finding out that there are great similarities in our beliefs, such as sharing what we have with others, showing compassion, having empathy, etc. These are all Christlike characteristics. It's because of that part of God in all of us.
If you don't know Yeshua/Jesus, you are missing out on so much. Jesus is God's son who willingly came to earth, and became human, for us. He lived a life that was perfectly obedient to Father God's laws, so that he could be the spotless lamb who was sacrificed for our sins, all our sins. If we recognize our true state, that we are sinners, and we want to change, we can repent. Having God--Jesus--the Holy Spirit in our lives teaches us about God's kingdom.
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