This morning my mind went to this war of Putin’s controlled Russia invading the relatively small country of Ukraine. I can only imagine that it must be really scary for the Ukrainians right now. They are going against the powerful nation of Russia with all of its powerful weapons.
Then my mind went back in time; a time that is recorded in the Bible when God took the Israelites out from their slavery in Egypt through a series of miracles (Exodus chapters 11 thru 14). Then God led them to the edge of a sea with nowhere for them to go, and the mighty Egyptian army was fast approaching, either to kill them or take them back into slavery. With more miracles, God held back the Egyptians, made the water to separate, and dried up the bottom so that the Israelites could pass to the other side. When the Egyptians pursued the Israelites into the parted waters, God caused the bottom, just where they were, to become gummy so that it held them back until all the Israelites were safely across. Then God closed the waters and destroyed the Egyptians.
The Israelites were greatly afraid through all of this. They were not only afraid of the pursuing Egyptian army, but seeing these miracles confounded them. They had never experienced such things. I can imagine that my heart would have been pounding if I had been there.
We are beginning to hear about what seems to be miracles in Ukraine. Ukrainian solders have said that they seem to be guided by an invisible force as to what to do next. They become invisible, per say to the Russians. It is alleged that Putin has made a hit list of certain people, President Zelenskyy being one of them. Yet, he lives.
The following is cut from a post on Facebook. This was part of an email from a missionary there in Ukraine.
I watch the news often about the war in Ukraine. It is not looking good for the Ukrainians but nor is Russia progressing as expected. I think I’ve heard that there are now approx. 2 million people who have fled the country. There are many casualties on both sides. No one but God knows how all this will end.
I have debated with myself if I want or should post this. As much as I would like to see miracles comparable to the Biblical story of the Exodus (Exodus chapters 11 thru 14). It is hard to believe something like that could happen in this time period. I don’t know why it is hard for me to believe, after all God is alive and still as powerful as He was then.
Anyway, I have decided to post this. I may be having a jaw-dropping moment in the future. We’ll see.