There are things going on in the world today that are much like what went on during the 1930s and 40s when Hitler and the Nazis rose to power. I truly believe that this is the work of Satan and he is being helped by unwitting Christians.
Christians believe they know God through reading the Bible but Satan is using scripture to deceive them. He has used scripture for a very long time to deceive us.
Think about when Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Spirit in order for Him to be tempted by the Devil (Matthew 4:1-10) Satan tried to use God’s word through the scriptures, the written word.
Here’s another one. Think about the religious leaders during Jesus’s time. They knew the written word extremely well yet they were the ones who caused Jesus to be crucified. They thought they knew God.
Today, Christians think they know God because they study the Bible. Satan can and does try to deceive us just as he did with the religious leaders. You can only know God when Yeshua, Jesus lives within you.
Do you who identify yourself as Christian support Donald Trump because you believe he is chosen by God? Do you use certain scriptures such as Romans 13 to justify why God has chosen Trump and why you are right and the rest of us are wrong for not believing? Satan is using these scriptures to deceive you.
Let me ask you to analyze, judge your heart and soul. Do you still hear, believe in, and act upon Jesus’ words? Do you really see him anymore? You can only know God if Jesus lives within you.
Before I say this next part, I ask you to remember this. The way that Hitler and the Nazis got the Germens to trust them for their protection was by inducing fear in them, fear of certain groups of people. They also spread hate among the Germans to where vigilante style groups went around and mas murdered people
I have to retract the following statement in blue. I thought I fact checked before saying this but evidentially I did not. Trump did say these words but towards the violent offenders and it was a Trump supporter who said 'get out of my country' to a news reporter. As for comparing these detention centers to Nazis concentration camps, we can only know how they really are by going and seeing them for ourselves. Is Jesus telling you that the immigrants at the Southern border are nothing but animals, rapists, murderers, human smugglers, gang members, and for them to “Get out of my country”? These are the words of President Donald J. Trump.
What has happened to America? In 1975 church families took in more than 130,000 Vietnamese. If we would have done to them what we are now doing to these immigrants at our borders, they would have died. Now we don’t even have to send these imagrants back to where they came from. We are killing them in our custody, just like what happened in Germany when Hitler and the Nazis took power from 1933 until the war ended in 1945.
Nazi concentration camps